Pitching Guide for Over 40 Publications
A list of publications including submission guidelines, mastheads, relevant editor tweets, and intel on submitting to them (Paid Subscriber Bonus)
Half the battle with pitching publications is trying to find the right email address to pitch to. There is often publicly available information out there but finding it can be time-consuming.
So as a paying subscriber benefit, I’ve put together this list of resources for pitching some major publications.
For each listing, I’ve tried to include as much of the following info as I can:
Online pitch guides and/or mastheads to help you know where to pitch.
Links to relevant tweets or interviews with editors at the pub that may help get tips for breaking in.
If I have experience with or intel about that particular pub I’ve also tried to include some notes on that.
As editors and guidelines can change, I will try to periodically update this so I’m thinking of this as a living page (My most recent update: March 6, 2025). If you notice something is outdated, add a comment to the post and I can update it.
If you are looking for a contact for a pub that isn’t on the list, add a comment and I’ll let you know if I know anything more.
I’m putting this behind the paywall because I think it works well as a bonus for paying subscribers and some of the content (like the notes from my own experience I’m including) I don’t want open to the entire internet.
And yes you can potentially just subscribe for a month to access this (and I am honestly not monitoring who is unsubscribing from my newsletter and think that being a paid subscriber to Substacks for a short period is a good way to support writers)
You will note that a lot of places have pitching guides that ask you to send to a general email and in my experience these general email addresses really do often work.
If there is no general email address, you’ll need to find an appropriate editor to pitch. I’ve tried to include relevant tweets from editors and mastheads for some of these pubs to help with these endeavors.
The guide is broken down by the following categories since these are the types of pubs I typically write for. You can click the links below to navigate to a section or just do a search on this page for the pub title you are looking for:
Okay, here we go…