Hey Julie, have you heard of any humor publications on Substack that are accepting satire submissions? I have a piece ready to go that I've submitted to some traditional pubs, but I'd rather give it to another Substacker to increase visibility to my Substack. It seems most humorists on Substack are pretty much sticking to their own stuff, or writing about writing humor.

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This is a good question and I can not think of a Substack call for submissions that I’ve seen that accepts satire, although there could be some that I’m just not aware of.

End of the Bench sports is a satire pub that used to be on Substack but I think they have shifted to something else.

That said, there are other satire pubs that will let you put a link to Substack in the bio, so that might be another option (I’ve had some success doing this in pubs outside of Substack and picking up some subscribers).

Or even if a Substack isn’t specifically looking for satire you might still be able to submit to them/reach out about a guest post if it’s something that is in their wheelhouse/a good fit for the pub.

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There are very few Substack pubs (that I can find) that even publish satire. @Carlos Greaves is the only person I can think of?

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I've seen other satire writers with Substacks that do satire sometimes (e.g. Amran Gowani and Bess Kalb) but I think most of them typically run their own stuff so it may just be trickier to find here. There are currently a lot more satire pubs on Medium that accept submissions, I think.

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Thanks for the list. I'll check 'em out.

I used to write for Cracked and National Lampoon and even a humor(ish) piece in the LA Times once. But I've found a new publisher that loves all of my stuff and always returns my calls and never says the dreaded N-word ("No!"). Me, of course.... on the 'stack....

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There are a lot of perks to Substack too!

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thank you thank you!

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May 23·edited May 23Author

❤️ ❤️

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Thx for this!

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Of course!

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