Excellent advice here from you and others. I "quit writing" often. I never actually quit, but even "quitting" for 5 minutes (or a few days or weeks) and imagining that writing is not in my life takes the pressure off, helps me to appreciate all the other aspects of my existence...then reminds me that I love doing this despite the challenges. I always circle back. "Quitting" is like taking a break, but, you know, with more drama.

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I get this! I took the longest break ever from writing (a couple of years, really) after having my first kid partially because I was sleep-deprived and overwhelmed and didn't have time. But when I finally did get back into it I had a new kind of focus and motivation. I think breaks/quitting really can help.

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The “outside time” angle is pretty essential. When the punchlines stop making sense, I know it’s been too long since I’ve fallen off a skateboard. I think of it as launching my body through writer’s block.

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I like that. And agree that getting outside is often a simple fix that helps (which I have to frequently remind myself of).

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Love this, Julie! Now, when I want to procrastinate, I can just call it managing my burnout! Seriously, though, I've been feeling a bit burned out and loved your ideas.

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Thank you and happy to give you permission to procrastinate!

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Creative burnout? Who me?? LOL. I don't have time for creative burnout with my book about to be launched, but I'm planning a long period of burnout sometime this summer. I guess my strategy, then, is giving myself permission.

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Ha, you are in the thick of it now! But I think the burnout after a book coming out can be rough -- so definitely give yourself permission to do what you need to to recharge/take a break!

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I sometimes give myself a day to be a blob aka binge watch Netflix, order take out, do minimal physical activity. After all that slothing, I usually wake up the next day like the Energizer bunny.

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This is smart! Another problem I have is trying to multi-task too much, so instead of just bingeing Netflix I feel like I need to do some other task while bingeing Netflix, but I think just taking the blob break is much better.

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These are really helpful, Julie, thank you!

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Glad to hear that!

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I've heard from other authors that post-publication depression is real. (Did you experience that?) I'm at the point where--and this sounds terrible, I don't mean to minimize depression--but I almost welcome it. Spending a week on the couch? Man, I can't wait.

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Not really depression but just serious burnout I think. I feel like there is just a ton of stuff to do and you are going on adrenaline for so long and then at a point you just need a break!

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