9 months to write a piece about babies seems perfect

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Thanks for sharing this, Julie! I’ve always struggled with writing non-timely pieces — without the forced deadline, I often find my idea fizzles out and I never get around to finishing it. I may need to revisit some of my half-baked pieces and try to see them through!

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I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one to write short pieces slowly! I recently published a short humor piece I’d started working on in 2021. 🫠

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Great view into your process, Julie! I think I split the difference between immediacy and long-term incubation.

Typically, my first idea for a topical humor/satire piece is kind of obvious, so I don't like to chase the news. If I let things fester for a few days or weeks, however, I usually find a unique angle and then I know it's time to dig in. After an idea sits idle for more than a month or so I almost never return to it.

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I have a very linear and step-by-step brain (neuroquirky over here lol) so I can't tell you how helpful this behind the scenes peek into the process is. I LOVE seeing these specific steps, and how you do it. Also...this idea and this piece are freaking hilarious. Congrats on another McSweeney's!!

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So useful to see the process behind this, especially details like the list of possible titles. And my standard answer to “how do you do it all?” is “Slowly.”

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I cannot believe how long it takes me to write a bloody Substack. I’m shocked because on usual circumstances I’m a fast writer. Between coming up with something clever to write and then to actual write it, takes a helluva lot of time and energy. Don’t even et me started on the rewriting and proofreading!

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Its funny how the process you described is the same as what I do. I just do it twice a week. 😄

That being said one of the benefits of satire news is you just have to scroll through the news. Wholly unique posts are the hardest to write which is what you did.

I feel like I'm still working on my headlines as well. It's by far the hardest part of writing these for me.

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Thank you for this, Julie! As someone who has honed the ability to identify a funny premise from years on Twitter but who is trying to strengthen my ability to fully develop those premises, this was very interesting and useful!

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I was very drawn to this article title !

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As a father with a toddler at home, I can guarantee you she is keeping track of people that are jerks to her.


Not sure if this is helpful, but I have multiple pieces running at the same time. I jot down whatever ideas come to me, in different notes, and only sit down to write the full piece once I have enough ideas to connect.

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Super nice piece Julie. As someone who struggles with slow writing in general, it was interesting. But more importantly, your process was super informative. Thanks so much.

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I tend to be a slow writer as well. And so much yes to needing good critique partners.

I love the baby essay; what a genius way to illustrate the baby-crying-in-public situation. It's witty. It's true. It calls on all of us to maintain better thoughts when we allow babies or little children to frustrate us, and to take action in the form of helping parents out rather than passing judgment. That's a lot of work for a short piece, and one that makes us laugh to boot.

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Mar 18Liked by Julie Vick

This was both validating and useful! I'm definitely one who needs time to let ideas percolate, so 9 months seems right on to me. :)

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I love this piece, Julie. So funny. Thank you for sharing your process!

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Mar 16Liked by Julie Vick

Loved this piece and really enjoyed the behind the scenes peek at your process. Especially as a fellow slow writer! (my current record is 4 years for a 700 word piece)

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