Every time I convince someone to read SOUNDS LIKE TITANIC, an angel gets its wings. (Truly, I'm yet to find someone who didn't love it.)

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It was really good!

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Amy's work is so good. What a loss. :(

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I know :( I love her children’s books too.

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Hi Julie! Thank you so much for shout-outs! I’m excited to read SOUNDS LIKE TITANIC! It sounds like you had a great vacation and this makes me feel like there’s hope for me trying to learn French from watching Call My Agent and Emily in Paris! Thanks for the great submission links too!

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Of course and I think that plan for learning French is foolproof 😂

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Thank you! So far all I've got is "au revoir" but it's a start! : )

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Bahaha that video was hilarious!! And thanks for the great submission resources!

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Too real! And of course :)

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The perfect post for the start of summer ‘vacation’!

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Thanks, Mary. Hope your is off to a good start!

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Great round up. Thx for the info and contest opportunities.

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No problem -- wishing you good submitting luck if you apply for any!

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