Need a little more humor in your life?
Hopefully, this newsletter can help.
I’m a writer who focuses on humor and my newsletter combines those two topics.
What to expect:
Two emails from me a month that include:
A monthly links roundup email with things that have been making me laugh (including books, shows, and short-form humor) as well as writing-related resource links like industry news and submission opportunities. It’s like Oprah’s Favorite Things, but funnier.
A second email with deeper dives into book/freelance/humor writing topics.
If you only want some of these emails and not others, you can adjust your subscription preferences in Substack to indicate that.
One tip for email overwhelm: Also, a friendly PSA that if you (like me) are subscribed to a lot of Substacks and experiencing some email overwhelm, you can opt to read in the app instead of getting emails by turning on “Smart Notifications.” You can read more about how to do this here: For Android and For iOS.
Paid Subscriber Details
I currently have a paid option if you want to support the newsletter. The posts are typically not paywalled, but I have a couple of paid subscriber bonuses.
Paid subscriber bonuses:
Paid subscription pricing: Subscriptions are currently $5/month or $50/year.
About Me:
I’m a writer who frequently writes humor and parenting pieces for places like New Yorker Daily Shouts, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, and Parents. I also teach writing at the University of Colorado Denver.
Some of my most popular pieces include:
“A Camping Trip With Young Kids, As Imagined by Me Before Having Kids” on McSweeney’s.
“Thank You for Calling the Writer Envy Helpline” on Electric Lit
“William Carlos Williams Poems for Introverts” on McSweeney’s
And I wrote a book:
“This will be an invaluable resource for introverts about to become parents, though anyone with kids will appreciate Vick’s perspective on the absurdity of parenthood.”
-Publisher’s Weekly
My humorous advice book for introverted parents, Babies Don’t Make Small Talk, So Why Should I? came out in 2021.
It makes a good gift for the new or expecting parent in your life!
Want even more about me? Check out my website here.